No One Gets Left Behind: Averted the rest of the team is forced to flee as the meteors begin to strike closer to the Stargate with O'Neill nowhere in sight, though they spend the remainder of the episode searching for ways to reach him.Laira asks O'Neill to give her a child after she deems that he's let go of his old life it's implied they sleep together, and though it's not stated either way whether she gets pregnant as a result, the way in the final shot both hands go to her belly does at least imply it. Homeworld Evacuation: The team organizes an evacuation of the Edorans to earth once they realize the scale of the latest meteor strike.He even tells her to throw out his old clothes and equipment, shortly before The Cavalry arrives. Going Native: By the end of his time on Edora, O'Neill has fully embraced the way of life there and appears ready to settle down with Laira.Gadgeteer Genius: Carter builds a particle beam accelerator from scratch in three months.O'Neill: Teal'c, you are one stubborn son of a bitch!

Determinator: Teal'c makes what could well be a one-way trip through the gate into an underground cavern with a limited supply of oxygen, where he proceeds to blast his way through several layers of rock in order to get to O'Neill.Continuity Nod: Carter is able to melt through the crust of naquadah that's formed over the buried Stargate using the same technique employed by Sokar to try and penetrate the earth iris in "Serpent's Song".Even when the meteors begin to strike the ground and cause damage, a third of the population still chooses to stay behind rather than evacuating with the rest. Cassandra Truth: When the team warns the locals about the impending disaster, many of them believe it to be a lie as the meteor showers have always been harmless in their lifetime.Bittersweet Ending: O'Neill gets to go home, but he has to leave Laira and the life he made for himself on Edora behind.Asteroid Thicket: Edora's orbit passes through an asteroid belt every year, causing the meteor showers."A Hundred Days" provides examples of the following tropes: As the rest of the team frantically searches for a way to bring him home, O'Neill adjusts to a simpler way of life and begins a relationship with a local woman named Laira. O'Neill is stranded on the planet Edora after the Stargate is buried by a meteor strike.