There is also a special merchant, a Sim who sells exclusive items for ancient coins. This will give you all types of things, even Pangu's Axe and the Eye of Horus. Also, to attain the items you buy at stores in Egypt, China, and France, you can type testingcheatsenabled true into the cheats console, then type in buydebug.There are five kinds of markets, dictated by corresponding registers: There are markets and merchants in each location. They are like normal houses, with a cash desk, and with an inventory of objects to sell. Stores are not rabbit holes in the destinations. This store sells Showers-in-a-Can which can be seen behind the cash register These new locations are the same size as the neighborhoods of Sunset Valley and Riverview, and their designs are based on the countries of China, France, and Egypt, respectively. Sims are able to vacation in new locations: Shang Simla, Champs Les Sims and Al Simhara. New Cheat Code: buyDebug (requires testingcheatsenabled true).A new basement tool which makes them easier to build.More architectural items, such as stairs and fences, are now fully customisable in Create a Style.Sims can learn short vocal songs from vacation world locals and from tourists, and will often sing them while showering once they're learned.Like how the Sim can visit vacation worlds, NPCs from vacation worlds can visit regular worlds as tourists.Music by artists in Simlish: Nelly Furtado – “Manos al Aire”, Pixie Lott – “Mama Do”, Stefanie Heinzmann – “No One Can Change My Mind”, Matt & Kim – “Daylight”, Young Punx – “Juice and Gin”.New Lifetime Wishes: Bottomless Necter Cellar, Great Explorer, Martial Arts Master, Physical Perfection, Private Museum, Seasoned Traveler, Visionary and World Class Gallery.New Lot assignments: Academy, Base camp, Chinese garden, Hidden tomb, Market, Nectary, Small market and Tomb.There are also hidden cultural traits that Sims can only get (such as a Sim eating with chopsticks) by having a child with a native from a certain country.

New traits: Adventurous, Disciplined and Photographer's Eye.New Skills: Martial Arts, Nectar Making and Photography.New Plants including new species of grapes and Fish (frogs, snails, and crocodiles ).Collectibles: 12 new gems, 8 new metals, 6 new butterflies, 3 new beetles.

New Pagoda roof styles and decorations.New gameplay objects: board breaker, cameras, cash registers, dive wells, dried food, eyes of horus, fortune cookie maker, incenses, movable statues, nectar maker, nectar racks, Pangus axe, relics, sarcophagi, shower in a can, snake charming basket, switches, tents, traps, treasure chests.